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Craft Trades LLC works in the brewing industry on a variety of levels:

  • Start Ups: We help breweries get up and running the most efficient and cost effective way possible. Whether helping make choices on what equipment to purchase, developing recipes or helping layout and install parts and pieces once on site, we can see it through from initial concept to making that first batch an award winning beer.

  • Existing: We can help a working brewery refine and streamline processes, clean up problems in the brewhouse, make recipes more balanced and fun or just help you finally adjust that stupid crowler machine so that it is not always clicking.

  • Marketing and Advertising: With a back ground in graphic design and professional photography, we can create not only a logo for your company, but a common thread that connects all of your advertising and marketing so that it flows through the entire company.

  • Promotion & Sales: We align ourselves with and promote products and services that better the brewing industry. If there is a product or service that we can stand behind, we promote it and use it. As a manufacturers rep, we only promote what we would use ourselves.


Accomplishments / Credentials:

  • Entrepreneurs - Started several businesses ranging from full brewery / restaurant, consulting, brewery supplies, performance automotive, graphic arts, etc

  • Beer blogging / travel blogging / networking (over 450 documented breweries to date)

  • World Brewing Academy Graduate

  • Graphic Design Degree

  • BJCP Judge

  • Cicerone Teacher

  • Brewmaster

  • Head Brewer

  • Front Of House (FOH) Manager

  • Volunteer Board Member(s)

  • Award winning homebrewers (Many of each of the following: Grand Champion, Best of Show, 1st and 2nd Place, Superintendent's Pick, etc.)

  • Award winning craft brewers / recipe formulation (World Beer Cup - Bronze, All Colorado Beer Fest - First Place (twice), All Colorado Beer Fest - Best of Show)

  • Multiple attendances at Great American Beer Festival (GABF) and Craft Brewer's Conference (CBC) as well as many brew festivals and requested to give presentations at different seminars in the brewing community. 


Services Offered:

  • Systems & Processes - Refining and streamlining

  • ​Site location consultation / Evaluation of potential layouts and locations

  • Recipe evaluation / formulation / construction

  • Vendor selection and sourcing of raw materials

  • Product / Equipment consultation evaluation before purchase

  • Setup and flow of brewhouse

  • Cellaring setup / logistics

  • CIP & SIP regiments and dosing

  • Purchasing / Inventory control

  • MRP / ERP evaluation

  • Guidance on competition entries

  • BJCP / Cicerone history

  • FOH server training (draft systems, beer styles, brewing techniques, off flavors, enthusiasm, educating the customer / customer experience,  etc)

  • Trade show consulting

  • Merchandising & Branding your company

  • Graphic design / logo development / company look fluidity

  • Brewfestival consultation / highlighting important must-do's and take-aways

Craft Trades LLC was established by Randy & Eleanor Schnose. They are co-founders and brewers at Riff Raff Brewing Company in Pagosa Springs, CO - the first brewery in CO to use spring fed geothermal energy in the brewing processes as well as supplemental energy for the entire building – as well as founders of Spruce On Tap, a company that provides wild harvested ingredients to the brewing and culinary communities nation-wide. Passionate homebrewers since 2006 and commercial brewers since 2011, the couple has been active in many areas of the Craft industry for many years.

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